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A no-nonsense approach to good food, those words encompass Nicolas Vahe's principles. This season is no different and Nicolas Vahé brings you an unforgettable taste through simple cooking. Why make it harder than it is? Put together your own collection of Nicolas Vahe herbs and start enjoying.
At Nicolas Vahe they (and so do we) think it should be easy to eat tasty and healthy every day. It has become a mission to develop and continue to develop delicious products made on their behalf to offer a strong belief in and preference for raw materials and food of the highest quality. The products are therefore always developed with these thoughts.
At Nicolas Vahé, they live to simply upgrade your regular meals and surprise you with new flavors. They create surprising taste experiences and combine products in ways you've never tasted before. A Nicolas Vahé product gives you an extraordinary experience, in terms of ingredients, packaging and flavor combinations. Only when everything works together perfectly will the experience take you to new places. All products tell a story, create a very special Nicolas Vahé atmosphere and fit perfectly into the daily cooking routines. What will your story look like. How will it taste?
Now of course you feel like cooking with the delicious herbs, salt and peppers? That is why we have everything in stock for you and deliver it super fast so that you can quickly get the right ingredients from Nicolas Vahe. Did you know that all salt, pepper and spice mills come with a ceramic mill and that the mills are refillable?
You can make the most amazing sauces with the white pepper from Nicolas Vahe, or use the pepper in soup, with potato dishes or in a dressing.
Treat yourself to the culinary gold of Italy with this unique specialty from Nicolas Vahé.
Dreaming of that classic Italian pizza taste you tasted on vacation? This spice mix has been carefully selected to give you that authentic pizzeria experience.
Are you looking for the ideal seasoning for your barbecue dishes? Let Nicolas Vahé guide you with their special Hot Barbecue spice mix.